Weekly Update// Pastor Will

  What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Are you someone who likes to go run a 5k on Thanksgiving morning? How about watching sports all day? Is it eating a specific food that reminds you of times past? Maybe you are someone who doesn’t mind what you are doing, as long as you are with loved ones. Through the years, I have found myself more in that last category. It doesn’t really matter what I’m doing, just as I don’t have to do it alone. Better yet, it’s best with family and friends.
Every Thanksgiving a newer tradition I’ve adopted is I find myself thinking about a story or some Scripture that I can read that relates to gratitude. There are always a few that come to mind, but as I think ahead to Thanksgiving, the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 sticks out for me and will be the one I reflect on. Here’s the quick recap. In the parable, Jesus tells about a son who wants the inheritance that he would normally receive upon his father’s death. His father obliges and gives him his inheritance. The son quickly squanders it on lavish living, only to find himself eating with the pigs. When he finally comes to his senses, he remembers his father’s generosity and returns home to find his father eagerly waiting for him. The father wasn’t there to criticize him or mock him. Rather, he ran to him and threw him a party. Sounds like a pretty loving dad, huh?
       Reflecting on this year, there have been some ups and downs in my life. Finishing up divinity school and raising Liam all while living on a college campus through a pandemic wasn’t easy. In fact, I might’ve thrown a hissy fit or two (or thirty). However, when I reflect on everything and see where God’s brought me and God’s hand at work, I feel like the prodigal son. Maybe I didn’t squander my inheritance to the extent the son did, but I certainly know I took God’s goodness for granted. I found myself asking, “why God?” more often than saying, “Thank you, God!” I wish I had better gratitude through it all, but my biggest gratitude is for God’s response. Just like the father in the parable, he wasn’t mad or angry, only glad to see me come home. As verse 32 says, “We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!” (NLT)
       Friends, I don’t know what this past year has held for each and every one of you. I know I’ve got my share of moments where I could’ve done better. What I do know is that, whichever way I respond in a situation, God is always waiting for me with open arms and running towards me. And for that, I am truly thankful!
        I hope and pray for a wonderful Thanksgiving for you and yours. Have a blessed day and weekend, and we will see you on Sunday as we kick off the Advent season with our new sermon series, The Gospel in Scrooge. Take Care!
Pastor Will 






Weekly Update// Pastor Will


Weekly Update// Pastor Will