Weekly Update// Pastor Chris

Dear Asbury Family,

 I know Labor Day weekend is just a few days away, but I hope you’ll still make plans to join us for Sunday worship. (As a reminder, if you plan to be out of town, you can worship with us online; we broadcast the services on Facebook and YouTube.) This week Pastor Will is preaching a stand-alone message on 1 John 4:20-21. The title of the message is “Loving through Our Differences.” Pastor Will is going to talk about Jesus’ command to love. More specifically, he’s going to explain how we embody that love toward those with whom we may disagree. Given the polarization of our culture and the general tension, we sometimes feel around those who see matters differently, Pastor Will’s message is a welcomed one. In addition to hearing Will’s message and experiencing inspiring music, we’ll be welcoming in a new member at the 11 am service. I am excited about what God has in store for us this Sunday! 

 I am also excited that Asbury Live (formerly known as Wednesday Night Live) begins THIS WEDNESDAY (September 7). We’ll gather for dinner in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30-6:30 pm. Following dinner, everyone (including children) is encouraged to stay for a fun and engaging presentation on The Museum of the Bible (located in Washington DC). During this time, we’ll also preview our upcoming fall classes so you can best decide which class you may want to attend. 

 Let me end this email by highlighting a new opportunity for families with children ages 0-10 (which includes my own family!). We’re hosting an event called “Parents’ Night Out.” During the event, parents are invited to drop their kids off at the church building for a fun program and then head over to Maitland Town Center with other parents for dinner. We’re hoping that through this time families will feel a better sense of connection with each other. The inaugural Parents Nights’ Out will take place Sunday, September 18 from 5-7 pm. Be sure to mark it on your calendars and let others know!

 Enjoy the rest of your week. We’ll see you Sunday.







Weekly Update// Pastor Chris


Weekly Update// Pastor Will